Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Business Opportunity

I have gotten myself into a bit of a crazy spot with a business that is on the verge of success and took a very smart person to finally get through my thick scull that in order to succeed you have to sell and sell more and sell even more and then you can start making adjustments and add more products but if you have a viable product and their is a market go and market it and the rest will fall into place. So here is where I sit, I am a great sales person and need to connect with someone who can handle the business end. When I say that the success is right at my grasp it is a bit of an understatement. It is a sporting goods company and to be more specific (GOLF) However business is business it just may help in the understanding the direction for now and in the future. Funny a brick wall was not needed just listening to a podcast about bootstrapping approach to business. Makes sense to me. I hope the right person reads this and I look forward to the possibilities.